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While you're visiting at this website, please enjoy also the following pages by clicking on the navigation bar Links located just beneath the Bluejay logo at the top of this page:
VHS Graduate Lists: See, use, download the 1884-
Composites: View available Class Photos and Class Composite Photos from the years 1884-
Photos: View Photo Galleries of Villisca High School-
Bluejays: Download/View any (or all) of the Yearbooks known to exist. Bluejays, or equivalent, are available for the years: 1896, 1912-
History: View documents relating to Villisca, the Villisca School District, it’s students and it’s teachers. Included is a scanned copy of the VHS Alumni Association Minutes covering the years 1884-
Other Links: A presentation of Recommended Links for those interested in learning more about Villisca and the Villisca Schools. Included is a link to the Villisca Volcano website.
Now, just look to the navigation bar above, click and enjoy !
“Old” High School
Welcome to the New VHSGrads !
The first Commencement exercise for Villisca High School was held for four students on May 29, 1884 at the Villisca Opera House. Over the years, the smallest class was in 1887 with three students, and the largest class was in 1970 with seventy-
4,567 diplomas were awarded during the 130 Commencements celebrated between 1884 and 2013. Commencements have been held at the Opera House, the Rialto Theater, the Methodist Church, the Armory and the Villisca High School Auditoriums. The 130th and final commencement was held in May, 2013.
Loyal and True, we pledge allegiance to you.
This is our motto, we are one for all and all for the alma mater!
Here’s to our school, long on high may she rule.
Forevermore you will find us,
Always Loyal and True! – An award-
Winner of the 2012 Loren Horton Community History Award
2012 Loren Horton History Award
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Nodaway High School